To get ahead, finding the right balance in business has never been more complicated. Recruiting, retaining, and rewarding have never been more challenging. Oliver Coakley came to us to help him fulfill his ambition to create a brand-new strategic rewards consultancy. Introducing Citris – the new name and brand in HR, bringing a fresh perspective to the world of rewards.

We created

  • Brand Strategy
  • Naming
  • Brand Identity
  • Design & Art Direction
Citris 27


A fresh perspective on Human Resources

A new approach

Our ultimate goal was to create a new brand name & identity that would serve as an entry point to the company's rewards expertise and consultancy services. How people work today has gone through a radical change post-covid. The power and potential of a business lie in its people, people now want to work differently and for companies to grow they need the right staff. Navigating these two points requires fresh thinking.

Talent is now the essential driver for all modern businesses, but the sector lacked real energy as a whole, here lay the opportunity for a new brand with a new attitude to match.  

Citris Diagram 2.svg
Citris Line Black 2.svg

A new name for a new attitude

We created a brand story that shared this new outlook and a brand purpose that defined it – 'A Fresh Perspective' The new name 'Citris' stands out from competitors, has layers of meaning, evokes curiosity and is easy to pronounce. 

Citris Icons 2

A Distinctive Vision

Human Resources is all about people, and understanding what truly motivates and inspires them, because it is people who determine the success of any organisation. However, most organisations that seek to promote their HR services to prospective individuals does so in an uninspiring manner. Our ambition for Citris was to shake things up. Citris arrived with a splash of energy, and a brand new visual expression in its sector. A new graphical language shares the idea of connection, flexibility and support, communicating a HR company with a difference.



The visual language uses bold, clear headings to create simple, strong, eye-catching statements. The colour palette is equally courageous, designed to catch the eye in today's fast-moving World. Our use of photography is carefully calibrated to show real people in natural environments, this is the fresh face of HR.


The team at Alkamee were amazing to work with, understanding my vision and creating the magic. Simply the best! Thanks for everything.

Oliver Coakley, Founder/Director, Citris

We built a website for Citris that is as usable and accessible on your phone as at your desk. Fast, flexible and engaging, sharing the Citris vision, character, compelling difference and key services, whilst supporting it with an ever-growing knowledge hub, capable of holding video and podcasts too.

Adam Gallacher, Alkamee