During this ongoing new reality of Covid 19 and its impact, we very much wanted to continue to help people and their businesses, after all positively impacting lives is what we do. We know every business is facing tough times and uncertainty, we know some have already pressed the reset button and are pivoting, some even transforming their businesses in front of our very eyes, as we all navigate through a period of our lives we have never had to face before.
Our view is there is always a positive. This is a period of time where lies opportunity. A time not to hibernate but rather to reflect and reset. A time to rethink the good and not so good aspects of your business, product or service before Covid 19 and how you’re going to reshape or repurpose your business from here on in, uncovering opportunities, reaching new audiences and flying forward.
Over the last few weeks we have brainstormed ideas and initiatives on our clients behalf, knowing their businesses from the inside out we have been able to use this time to give a little extra guidance and support, looking at areas previously uncovered and shedding a light on them. Branding and communicating isn’t something you can turn on and off at the switch of a button. It’s not about selling, your brand is your reputation, it’s what others say about you, so if you take your hands off the wheel at any given time, you are letting others steer your destiny.
We have also been seeking out the very best insights there is out there, no matter what industry you’re in and what to expect next. We wanted to share this not just with our clients and circle but with the larger community, with anyone in business, be they big or small, as we feel this is a time we all reach out to people, far and wide, its vital we share and help people in any way we can. So to this end, amongst other things, we have created a weekly podcast called MAKE SOME NOISE. It's a simple way for people to avail of our expertise and guidance, where we share tips, information and inspiration on branding and communication in a natural informal way. We aim to keep these bite-sized and jargon free, for you to listen to at your leisure, whether out on a walk (within the 2k radius!) or when it’s time for a cuppa. Our goal is by talking openly about our experiences and interactions we will have built a useful resource that will make a difference and help others.
Some topics up for discussion:
- Research & insights from other industries, learnings from the best
- Covid 19, its impact
- Branding, what is it? and why it matters
- Purpose, the focus for all that you do
- Naming, a powerful tool
- Messaging, the art of communication
- Knowing your audience, needs and wants
- Inspiration, who sets the bar
- And many more…
We would encourage you to ask any questions you may have, mail them to hello@alkamee.ie and we’ll try to answer as many as we can throughout the series. Let’s build a useful resource for everyone!
Our first topic 'Keep on Communicating' was released April 3rd 2020 and is now available on Apple & Spotify. You can find it here
The Alkamee Team