Everyone knows how to name things... We’ve all named at least one thing in our lives, a pet, a car, a child, it's easy right? So naming our companies, businesses or organisations should be the same? Wrong. When you were naming any of the above you didn’t need to consider whether your neighbour’s rabbit was also called Mister Fluffy or that 10 million other people also had the name John, you didn’t need to market test any of the names, check how they worked in other countries, secure their trademarks and you sure weren’t worried that someone would sue you if you got it wrong. Naming professionally is a tricky process. It’s only partially a creative process, it is predominantly a process of stamina and navigation, knowing where the pitfalls and hurdles lie and finding a path through that wilderness to a new start.
Our names are built to help you stand out in a crowd and tell the world what you’re made of. A great name is the first step to making a big impact, making a difference and making a connection. Choose a poor name and you will spend your marketing budget trying to overcome it. We have created our own unique naming process and enhanced that process over time as naming becomes increasingly more challenging. We combine creativity with the ability to deep dive into Company Registries, IP and Trademarking databases nationally and internationally. We have also built the right partnerships with the right IP Attorneys to provide a complete naming package from start to finish.
We create names that set you apart from your competition but firmly anchored to who you are, names that grab attention and generate energy. On average, an Alkamee naming project can uncover a long list of over 70,000 names, but don’t worry, we do all of the hard work in finding a shortlist that works, just for you.
We have developed seven golden rules to help develop a great name in your category:
You need a name that’s relevant and truly compelling. The key to any name – simple or complex, abstract or descriptive
Choose a name that tells your brand story. Over time you can expand the meaning of your name and add layers of depth to make it even more powerful.
The best names are the ones you can’t wait to tell people about. Names that roll off the tongue and invite customers to become your viral marketing agency.
Even the best name may not seem fabulous at first. As your name evolves into a brand, it will acquire more and richer associations. Give the names you’re considering a chance to grow on you and try to imagine what they might stand for 5 or 10 years down the line.
Want to know more about naming, then get in touch, we’d love to help, we love naming, we’ve even written a book on the subject. Throughout the naming journey we know full well that emotions can run high. Reactions will run the gamut from excitement to resistance to fear and back again. It can be exhilarating to embrace the future whilst at the same time, change can be hard. Get it right though and your new name will propel you into the future and empower you with the greatness you aspire to achieve!
Want to know more? Let’s chat: becomegold@alkamee.ie